I recommend you take this in all seriousness while it is regarded in this time as fictional or madness. Ample evidence points to the integrity and constructed metaphysical presence of this creature.

Please disregard grammatical incongruence. I write in a way to accurately convey a message to the reader independent of modern acceptably.

Four Months Ago Today I entered, not to my knowledge, an infectious and wicked space as I've been stuck, stuck to something, somehow, from this space since then. In many methods I've tried to release this. As, when I first felt it, I left at once, leaving one 25 cent quarter as to pay my respects and depart independent.

It did not accept this gesture as it is not greedy creature. I now assume the completely obvious, that money has no value to it. I am quite frankly embarrassed and somewhat afraid I was interpreted as disrespectful to assume that is what it desired from me. 

As I've been attached to this presence, I've noticed it, watching me, undoubtedly planning, conscious and boiling. The hair on my neck raises just to even recollect and record these events. And in my own need of identification, all though I cannot see this (plainly or reliably, as I've seen shadows indicating the possiblity of a visual manifestation but these things are vague and often times to quick to process) illness, or touch, as I can only feel it, I've named it, 


, and to shake it seems nearly impossible. Forever I circled around and around this, with no limit. As it's hear now, I ignore it but, the acknowledgement of existence is shared by both of us, even though I do not want it. 

As peaceful as it is, as of now, I have heard it. And it tells me impossible things, things I should not know. It has calculated mathematics from the 4th place to the 2nd decimal, and given me right answers for simple school equations on multiple occasions. Things I did not know how to calculate. Therefore I owe this force, and I was unknowingly unbalancing my dynamic with this encroaching thing. 

It has no tangible sound. It implants knowledge and inflicts itself into my mind as a force of something external, which is somewhat alarming and violating as I have not experienced anything to this extent before.

So, I may initially seem irrational for deeming this presence as negative, evil, or frightening. However I have known 'angels' and this is different. (I do not intend to associate with any Judasictic or Christiantic beliefs here, I am only defining a certain metaphysical presence with the term 'angel' as they are commonly refered to positive presences unlike that of THE HAUNT)

Angels in my experiences are fragile, and faint, their presence is almost indetectable. They rarely (as I have not experienced this interaction with an angel, but have heard of accounts from others where this type of interaction has occurred) dispel knowledge onto those who manifest in the physical 3D dimension that we interpret and live through. 

The distinguishable factor of THE HAUNT is the intention and the inflection on observable matter. The distinguishable factor is it's from, of making itself known. The distinguishable factor is it is constantly distinguishable, that while it itself is not observable or measurable, it's action on the physical world is. 

And for what motive, if motive even has a part to play in the actions of it, is unknown. Motive may not even exist in the determinable actions it takes. Motive, is something that drives the mind of the physical, and the course of interaction with the physical. In the materialistic world, people are defined as motivated creatures with pre programed methods of interaction. This cannot be said to creatures exterior of our interpretation on reality.

I do not worship any member of the exterior form of existence as a god or a figure of emese power. I see myself as equal as I assume we both have an equal place in the joint action of all plains of existence. While we have different ways of interacting with different aspects of the observable and unobservable universe, and one form of interaction may affect more than the other, I believe we are both needed as aspects of the macrocosm (please see Plato's accounts on physical and metaphysical representations of the universe, as I cannot go into detail here, but many philosophers from ancient times represent the universe in what I believe to be a very intelligent and thoughtful way, and agree with to a large degree). 

And so, I am left in quite the strange pattern here. I am attempting to release THE HAUNT, but I am unable to do so, and so in the last few days I have planned on making contact, or attempting to make contract with this creature. And to do so, I've done some limited research into contacting exterior forces in times not limited by the constraints of modern acceptably or modern science. One that has struck me as quite functional is the methods used by the Essene who conversed with Angels (Judaism definition) to (what is generally thought) create the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Essene lived in the veil between what is seen and unseen, and were in touch with the divine. While they are commonly thought to simply be a generator for mysticism, a constantly out of reach but provoking drive to become more in touch with God by the common man, I believe more so that the Essene had reliable (reliability here is up to interpretation) method of abstract communication with the exterior. 

While I have had simple cause and effect interactions with THE HAUNT, I am left to no choice but to try and open up a method of abstract communication in a similar way of the Essene. I have ample evidence to assume this communication can be done several ways, independent of traditional methods, with the only possible language being mathematics, as this creature has shown itself able to process it. Math, while a language, functions off logic, factors of the physical realm, and is itself the language of the universe. 


I have recently decided a form of fasted prayer (prayer is intended with a different connotation than the common religious intention here, I am using the word for the description of the action of generating intention and energy, not worship and desire) and mathematical computation beyond cryptography, as simply mathematics itself, may be my best option in attempt to open up a semi-understandable abstract dialogue. I will attempt to open this equally while limiting as much as possible exterior influence or sensory input beyond the mathematic medium itself. I will release another document describing how I will do this on a later date.

09/13/24 - X14 
