

I recommend you take this in all seriousness while it is regarded in this time as fictional or madness. Ample evidence points to the integrity and constructed metaphysical presence of this creature. Please disregard grammatical incongruence. I write in a way to accurately convey a message to the reader independent of modern acceptably. Four Months Ago Today I entered, not to my knowledge, an infectious and wicked space as I've been stuck, stuck to something, somehow, from this space since then. In many methods I've tried to release this. As, when I first felt it, I left at once, leaving one 25 cent quarter as to pay my respects and depart independent. It did not accept this gesture as it is not greedy creature. I now assume the completely obvious, that money has no value to it. I am quite frankly embarrassed and somewhat afraid I was interpreted as disrespectful to assume that is what it desired from me.  As I've been attached to this presence, I've noticed it, watchin